The time has come! After somewhere around 8 years of professional work on & off screen, I’ve joined SAG-AFTRA! I remember researching how to join each of the (then) 4 different performer unions in the United States back in high school, wondering which ones I would join and when. Now, I have a partial answer!
It’s a real rite of passage to join a union as an actor, and many other positions in the entertainment realm. With this stepping stone, I’m reminding myself that everything I’ve ever thought would magically, beautifully fix all my problems… has decidedly not done that. Every single time. And why should anything be a cure-all? Life would probably be much less exciting that way. So these days, I’m trying to take my wins as they come, and using this opportunity to reflect on all I’ve done instead of worrying about what might or might not happen down the line. Because after looking at the evidence that is my journey thus far, possibilities & unexpected good turns are bound to meet me on the path ahead :)
We’re keeping it short today; I’m already publishing this post late, and I want to spend my Sunday relaxing. BUT I’d be remiss to not address an elephant in the room. As a now card-carrying member of SAG, please allow me to remind you of the battle we in the video game realm are currently fighting—we are striking until video game performers are clearly and appropriately protected from and compensated for any work involving their work as actors and AI. Art is human! And treating those involved in this creative business well can only result in better performances, better reception from audiences, and therefore better profits. A rising tide lifts all boats, so let’s make that happen!
Have a wonderfully spooky October 13th!